
“...the contractor completed the work ahead of schedule and delivered results equal to or better than contract requirements...”

George P. Condoyiannis, P.E.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers  

“...the quality of work was excellent and the job site was kept clean at all times..."

Charles R. Carroll
Contracting Officer, Ft. Benning

“...DJI did a very good job under tight budget constraints, limited access, and a short schedule...”

Patrick Pool  

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design-build projects

Our IDIQ contract has a design-build clause that mandates us to perform design build projects in certain instances. Due to the time restraints, most of the work in the past 3 years has been design-bid-build type projects. We have worked with multiple desig- build firms including Rosser International, Poly Engineering, Leo Daly, Technicon and others to design and build the fast track projects required by our contract.